Build Your Career
with Confidence

Your success story begins here.

A computer browsing My Career Advisor
A computer browsing My Career Advisor

My Career Advisor Supports Job Seekers

Illustration of a variety of job seekers

My Career Advisor Supports Job Seekers

  • Increased chances of getting hired: A well-designed and clearly organized resume increases chances of getting noticed by employers.

  • Greater confidence: Access to career development resources can help our job seekers feel more confident in their abilities and better prepared for new challenges.

  • More opportunities: Employees who enhance their existing skills and developing new ones have better job opportunities in the long run.

My Career Advisor Supports Young Adults

Illustration of two young adults, one with a book and the other with a laptop

My Career Advisor Supports Young Adults

  • Job Preparation: We offer career development resources to help students work towards their professional goals.

  • Resume Creation: Our guided resume builder has a template specifically designed for high school students.

  • Skills Training: Students can improve their interview skills and financial knowledge with our online trainings.

My Career Advisor Supports Our Veterans

Illustration of veterans

My Career Advisor Supports Our Veterans

  • Seamless Transition: We provide tools to facilitate a seamless transition into civilian roles.

  • Tailored Resume: Our resume builder allows veterans to easily translate their military experience on to a traditional resume.

  • Resources: My Career Advisor has a curated list of veteran specific resources to help with re-entering into the job market.

Photograph of Clifford Curry holding an Essential Skills certification

Overall, the MCA training courses have helped me transform my life.

The most important thing I’ve learned is that while a job is temporary, a career is for a lifetime. I’m finally in a place where I can start to consider that as a possibility for me. Thanks to the skills and support I received through Goodwill’s Career Center and training opportunities, I’m no longer just living day to day. I’m discovering what happiness and success mean to me, looking at what my future could be, and opening new doors of opportunity.

Clifford Curry

My Career Advisor User, Army Veteran and Proud Father

My Career Advisor has tools that help with:

Desktop and mobile devices showing My Career Advisor's online trainings
Skills Training

Learning new skills makes job seekers better equipped to perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively.

Mobile devices showing off different pages of My Career Advisor
Career Development

Enhancing existing skills and developing new ones lead to better job opportunities.

Desktop and mobile devices using My Career Advisor's resume builder
Resume Creation

A well-designed and clearly organized resume increases chances of getting noticed by employers.

Take a look at our extensive video library in our YouTube Learning section!

Our YouTube Learning section has curated playlists of many topics such as applying to college, exploring a career, and finding what area of the military would fit you best.

Device running My Career Advisor's Youtube Learning feature